marja de vries

Table of Contents of “The Whole Elephant Revealed ”
- Chapter 1 - Many truths and Universal Truth
- Wisdom traditions and Western science
- Inner knowing
- Experiences of Oneness
- The golden thread of Universal Truth
- Chapter 2 - What is the essence of Universal Truth?
- Insight into the operation of the universe
- The Kybalion as key to the universal laws
- Sacred geometry
- The universal principles as a frame of reference
- Two entirely different ways of perception
- Chapter 3 - The first Law - The Law of Oneness
- The beginning of everything is Oneness
- Any description of Oneness is inadequate
- A field of information
- Everything is connected with everything else
- Everything is in essence Consciousness and Love
- A field of potentiality
- Western science and the Law of Oneness
- The Zero Point Field that underlies everything
- Everything is connected with everything else via quantum entanglement
- The unified field is a field of consciousness
- Contact with the field of possibilities
- The primacy of consciousness
- Chapter 4 - The second Law - The Law of Correspondence
- ‘As above, so below; as below, so above’
- The different levels of reality
- We human beings are also multidimensional
- All changes in one level influence all other levels
- Western science and the Law of Correspondence
- David Bohm and the Theory of the Implicate Order
- Our consciousness does not only exist inside our brain
- The fractal principle that underlies the holographic universe
- Consciousness and the different levels of reality
- Our influence and our responsibility
- Chapter 5 - The Third Law - The Law of Vibration
- Everything is energy
- Creation myths
- The Principle of Harmonic Resonance
- We also have our own unique pattern of vibration
- The Law of Power and/or the Law of Love
- Western science and the Law of Vibration
- Everything is energy and Albert Einstein’s famous E = mc2
- The Path of Least Resistance and the Law of Least Action
- The Principle of Harmonic resonance within Western science
- Everything can be recognized by a unique interference pattern
- Our own unique vibrsational frequencies and our awareness
- Our emotions, our health and our heart as coordination center
- Chapter 6 - Laws derived from the Law of Vibration
- The Law of Attraction: we attract what we send out
- The Mirror Principle: that which we are not conscious of becomes visible
- The Law of Attention: that which we focus our attention on will expand
- The Law of Surrender: making space for the Path of Least Resistance
- The Law of Power/the Law of Love and our soul purpose
- The Law of Conscious Transformation of Energy
- Western science and the Laws derived from the Law of Vibration
- The Law of Attraction and the psychology of interpersonal expectations
- The Mirror Principle in psychology
- The Law of Attention and the conscious use of our free will
- The role of consciousness in healing
- The relationship between consciousness and subtle energy
- Scalar energy beyond space and time
- Chapter 7 - The fourth Law - The Law of Polarity
- Everything exists in relative duality
- The creation myths tell about the origin of the first opposite
- All pairs of opposites may be reconciled at a higher level
- The Law of Divine Paradox: Absolute and relative truth
- Conscious use of insight in the Law of Polarity
- Western science and the Law of Polarity
- The subatomic paradoxes
- Everything turns out to be relative
- What we perceive are relative differences
- The Law of Divine Paradox: ontology and epistemology
- Chapter 8 - The fifth Law - The Law of Rhythm
- Everything is always changing
- The rhythmic cycles on small and large scales
- The cycles of involution and evolution
- A spiral development process
- Stories about four or five ‘worlds’
- The calendars of the Maya’s and the year 2012
- Applying the Law of Rhythm in our favor
- Western science and the Law of Rhythm
- Cyclical changes in nature
- Non-locality and the level of reality beyond space and time
- The Chaos Theory
- Chaos Theory and a spiral biological evolution
- Chaos Theory and a spiral historic and cultural evolution
- Spiral development and drastic changes about 5000 years ago
- Chapter 9 - The sixth Law - The Law of Cause and Effect
- Every cause has its effect and every effect has its cause
- The non-visible world of cause and the visible world of effect
- The Golden Rule
- The Law of Cause and Effect and our responsibility
- The phenomenon of synchronicity
- The Law of Karma
- Western science and the Law of Cause and Effect
- The visible effects of the subtle dynamics of non-visible causes
- Chaos Theory and strange attractors as non-visible, nonlinear causes
- The improbability of chance
- The completely new perspective based on epigenetics
- Synchronicity as a multidimensional feedback system
- The Law of Karma and the continuity of consciousness
- Chapter 10 - The seventh Law - The Law of Dynamic Balance
- Everything is composed of two active dynamic principles
- The basic pattern of expansion and contraction
- The dynamic and harmonic balance between energy and form
- The Golden Mean Spiral as the natural movement of energy
- The very special properties of the Golden Ratio
- When two opposing Golden Mean Spirals merge new life is created
- The Golden Mean Spiral is the path along which creation takes place
- The Golden Progression
- The Golden Ratio as the essence of ourselves
- Our striving for a dynamic balance in ourselves
- Development happens when the unbalance weights toward the feminine principle
- The law of Action
- Chapter 11 - Western science and the Law of Dynamic Balance
- Lonely pioneers who were far ahead of their time
- The Law of Dynamic Balance and the Theory of Dissipative Structures
- Criticality at the ‘edge of chaos’
- The dynamic morfology of plants
- The fractal as universal principle for the relationship between energy and form
- The Golden Ratio as underlying universal principle
- The Golden Ratio as universal constant
- We all have the masculine and feminine principle inside of us
- A classical and a quantum way to process information
- The intelligene of the heart
- The hunger of the soul and our striving for a dynamic balance in ourselves